9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

Community and Educational Resources

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Lesson Plans

These lesson plans provide important background for the Colorado Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Courts in the Community, an educational outreach program started on Law Day in 1986 by the Colorado Supreme Court. The program gives high school students hands-on experience in how the Colorado judicial system works and illustrates how disputes are resolved in a democratic society. The courts travel to high schools in Colorado to hear two oral arguments at each location.

The following 17 lesson plans cover a variety of topics introducing high school students to multiple aspects of the Colorado judicial system and can be taught in conjunction with an appeals court visit or separate from a visit. Each lesson includes an introduction by one of our Supreme Court justices or Court of Appeals judges. The plans meet Colorado Academic Standards and include inquiry questions, background information for the teacher, lecture outlines, classroom activities and homework assignments.

Download all the lesson plans or each lesson separately below.

If you have any questions about the Courts in the Community program or the lesson plans, please contact Susan Postema Scheeres, Community Engagement and Communications Coordinator. 

Courts in the Community Lesson Plans

Rule of Law
Students will be able to identify the origins of the rule of law, its impact on their everyday lives and the role it plays in the judicial system.

The History of the Courts
Students will be able to explain the role of courts in a democratic society, the history of the Colorado courts and how those courts have evolved over time. 

Colorado and U.S. Constitutions (*This can also be used in conjunction with Constitution Day on Sept. 17.)
Students will be able to describe the similarities and differences between the state and federal constitutions and the major provisions of the Colorado Constitution.

176 Amendments and Counting
Students will be able to describe why Colorado’s practice of amending its constitution is unique and the benefits and pitfalls of having a constitution that is easy to amend. 

How Democratic Societies Resolve Disputes
Students will be able to explain the different levels of courts and how various cases might be heard and resolved. 

How the Colorado Judicial Branch Works
Students will be able to explain the structure of the Colorado judicial courts and what cases they handle to deepen their understanding of state government. 

The Journey of a Court Case
Students will be able to identify what happens to cases as they travel within a court and between courts.

How the Appellate Process Works
Students will be able to describe the appellate process and how a case is appealed. 

The Colorado Jury System
Students will be able to describe the jury selection process in Colorado, and the rights and responsibilities of individuals who are summoned to jury duty.

Courtroom Etiquette
Students will be able to describe appropriate behavior in a courtroom in preparation for hearing oral arguments. 

How to Analyze a Court Case
Students will be able to identify what it means to analyze court cases using the standards of fairness and objectivity and discover the process for considering relevant issues and facts presented in court cases and scenarios. 

How to Argue a Case in the Colorado Appellate Courts
Students will be able to identify and critique the procedure for oral arguments as preparation for an appeals court visit to their school. 

Implications and Impact of Appellate Decisions
Students will be able to identify how court decisions impact the law and individuals. 

What it Takes to Become a Judge
Students will be able to describe how judges become judges, what criteria qualifies them for the job and what attributes they must have to maintain their positions.

Who are Colorado's Court of Appeals Judges?
Students will be able to name the Court of Appeal judges and be familiar with information from their biography.

Who are Colorado's High Court Justices?
Students will be able to name the Supreme Court Justices and be familiar with information from their biography.

The Roles and Responsibilities of Trial and Appellate Judges
Students will be able to discern the roles and responsibilities of trial and appellate judges and how those roles are similar and different.