9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

1/20/25 - All courts and probation offices closed for MLK Jr. Day

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22nd Judicial District

Montezuma County

Montezuma County Probation

Chief Probation Officer

  • Sonie Buffington

    Chief Probation Officer
    22nd Judicial District
    Dolores County
    Montezuma County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

Probation Programs in Montezuma County

This is a list of Probation Programs offered in Dolores County. To show additional information on a specific program, click the title. To hide the additional information, click the title a second time.

Adult Drug Court Program

Mission Statement:  It is the mission of the 22nd Judicial District Drug Court to provide a sentencing alternative for substance abusing offenders through an alternative approach that combines rapid treatment intervention with intensive court and probation supervision and immediate sanctions/incentives.  The "Drug Court" approach focuses on substance dependence and addiction with support components for participants in their efforts to improve their lives and contributions to their community

Dependence on and addiction to alcohol and/or controlled substances is a problem which often leads to involvement with the criminal justice system.  Punishment without treatment results in recidivism and additional expense for the community.  Non-violent drug offenders with a true desire to change their lives and behaviors will benefit from the intensity, focus, and structure of the Twenty-Second Judicial District Drug Court Program.

Drug Court Participants

The Probation Department is generally responsible for identifying potential participants during pre-sentence phase of a case or during probation revocation proceedings.  Potential participants, once identified, are assessed for the severity of their addiction(s), their motivation for treatment and their willingness to comply with the Drug Court requirements.  The Drug Court probation officer is responsible for presenting potential participants and all relevant information to the probation officer, and treatment provider.  Alternative treatment providers, legal counsel if retained or appointed and/or a representative from the Public Defenders Office and the District Attorney may also be included.  The general criteria for acceptance are as follows:

  • The defendant must be eligible for probation or there must be potential for waiver from the District Attorney.
  • The defendant must not be a "sex offender" per the current offense or criminal history.
  • The defendant's criminal involvement is related to his/her substance abuse.
  • The defendant's criminal history is primarily related to his/her substance abuse.
  • The defendant expresses an appropriate level of motivation to participate in the Drug Court Program.
  • Past community supervision failures appear to be primarily substance abuse related.
  • The defendant is a resident or Montezuma or Dolores County.

For more information, please contact the 22nd Judicial Probation Department.

DUI Court Program

Mission Statement:  It is the Mission of the Montezuma County DUI Court to Work Towards a Healthy Community through Judicial intervention and Support for Individuals who Commit Alcohol Related Driving Offenses.


The Montezuma County DUI Court was established in 2007 in response to serious alcohol and DUI related problems facing our community.  The DUI Court Program is an intensive period of Probation designed to help DUI offenders address their alcohol abuse, their addictions and their involvement with the criminal justice system.  The DUI Court consists of five components: assessment, monitoring, supervision, treatment, and Court appearances.

Entrance Requirements

The DUI Court is designed to serve DUI offenders who fall within the following criteria:

  • It is the Defendant’s third DUI, DUI per se, or DWAI conviction and the defendant has received, acknowledged, agreed to and signed The Protocol for Montezuma County DUI Court. The Protocol shall be entered on the record and maintained in the Court file.
  • The Defendant has voluntarily agreed to participate in the DUI Court Program to receive a lesser jail sentence than a typical defendant who chooses to not participate in DUI Court Program.
  • Defendant is eligible for Probation.
  • The Defendant will not be applying for a transfer of Probation through Interstate Compact.

DUI Court Program Requirements

All DUI Court participants shall serve 45 days in jail as a condition of their sentence. Work release is allowed by the Court but must be approved by The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Department. Upon release from custody participants must comply with the requirements described below:

  • Attend Court review hearings. (Participant will receive a calendar of review hearing dates at sentencing)
  • Engage in recommended substance abuse treatment without unexcused absences.
  • Abstain from the use of alcohol and the illegal use of controlled substances.
  • Comply with alcohol/drug monitoring which can include any of the following; SeCure Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) Home Sobrietor monitoring, daily breathalyzers, random breathalyzers, ETG, urinalysis, monitored antabuse, monitored naltrexone, or monitored campral.
  • Maintain regular contact with his/her probation officer and attend all probation appointments unless excused by the probation officer.
  • Participation in outside support services as recommended by The DUI Court Team.
  • Complete useful public service as directed by the probation officer and/or The DUI Court Team.
  • Comply with an agreement for payment of Court costs and fees as established by the Probation Department’s Collections Investigator.

Participation in the Montezuma County Court DUI  Program authorizes that the Colorado Judicial Department and or the Probation Department to run criminal background checks on each participant periodically for up to 5 years after completion of the program.  These periodic background checks assist the Judicial Department in determining the effectiveness of the program.  The information gathered is for statistical purposes only.

The DUI Court consists of four separate phases.


In order to graduate from the program you must complete your treatment program, complete any aftercare, complete all community service hours and pay all court ordered costs and fees.  Upon graduation from the program your Probation may be transferred to Private Probation.

Participation in the Montezuma County Court DUI  Program authorizes that the Colorado Judicial Department and or the Probation Department to run criminal background checks on each participant periodically for up to 5 years after completion of the program.  These periodic background checks assist the Judicial Department in determining the effectiveness of the program.  The information gathered is for statistical purposes only.

For more information, please contact the 22nd Judicial District Probation Department at (970) 565-7216.

Adult Sex Offender Management Program

Purpose:  The 22nd Judicial District's sex offender management program is to ensure public safety by adhering to the guidelines for the supervision and management of sex offenders established by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board.

The Probation Department strives to meet the goal above through the following activities:

  • Sex Offense Specific Treatment:  An offender must complete a course of sex offense specific treatment, as defined by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board, in order to successfully complete his/her term of probation supervision.  Adult treatment typically requires a minimum of two years, depending on the effort made by the offender, and includes work on assumption of accountability, completion of a history of acts of sexual misconduct, identification and revision of cognitive distortions and deviant sexual arousal, empathy training, social skills training, development of pro-social interests, social networks, and activities, and other treatment modules.  All adult sex offenders, upon completion of sex offender treatment, remain in an aftercare program throughout the remainder of their probation sentence.
  • Ancillary Treatment: An offender may need to engage in other types of treatment, such as substance abuse treatment or mental health treatment, to reduce risk, depending on needs identified through evaluation and assessment.
  • Polygraphy: Adult sex offenders are required by state standards to undergo polygraph examination at least every six months during the course of probation supervision, to ensure compliance with probation terms and conditions, to clarify specific questions about past or current behaviors, and to ensure complete disclosure of sexual misconduct prior to placement on probation.
  • Monitoring of Compliance with Terms and Conditions of Probation:  Adult sex offenders must follow standard terms and conditions of probation, and an additional terms and conditions of probation specific to sex offenders.  These conditions include avoidance of minors and places or events where minors congregate; treatment responsibilities; computer use restrictions; requirements for DNA testing and sex offender registration; requirements for informing the supervising probation officer regarding relationship, employment, and residential status; and others.  Monitoring may include curfew requirements or requirements for an offender to call in his/her location/activities.  It also includes face to face contact at the Probation Department, or at various other sites including work sites or home.
  • Registration:  All adult sex offenders are required by state statute to register as sex offenders throughout their terms of probation supervision, and for varying periods of time after completion of probation, subject to state statute and judicial review. Sex Offenders typically register in the jurisdiction in which the reside in.

Colorado Youth Detention Continuum

Vision:  "Working with Colorado Communities to Achieve Justice"

Mission:  The Mission of the Division of Youth Services is to protect, restore, and improve public safey through a continuum of services and programs that:

  • Effectively supervise juvenile offenders,
  • Promote offender accountability to victims and communties, and
  • Build skills and competencies of youth to become responsible citizens.

CYDC programs match the right services for the right youth while reducing secure confinement by providing cost effective alternatives that promote excellent outcomes.

Please contact CYDC Coordinator at (970) 564-5023 for more information

Probation FAQs

We've compiled the answers to many commonly asked questions about probation. Go to Probation FAQs.