9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

1/20/25 - All courts and probation offices closed for MLK Jr. Day

Marriage/Civil Union Ceremonies

Information for services in Weld County (Greeley) only.

If you would like a Judicial Officer to perform a wedding or civil union ceremony at the Weld County Combined Courts, ceremonies are performed by appointment only. We require a minimum three business days' notice for weekday ceremonies and two weeks' notice for afterhours or weekend ceremonies. There is no charge for ceremonies conducted at the courthouse during our normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The availability of Judicial Officers to conduct ceremonies afterhours or on weekends is limited. There is a fee of $150 to perform ceremonies afterhours or on weekends. We cannot guarantee we will be able to accommodate your requested date and time; however we will make our best effort to do so. Judicial Officers are not available to conduct ceremonies on holidays.

To arrange for a ceremony performed by a Judicial Officer

Step 1 - Go to the Weld County Clerk and Recorder's Office, 1250 H Street (same building where you get your vehicle license plates) to get a marriage or civil union license. Licenses are valid for 35 days, so please plan accordingly. In Colorado, a wedding or civil union ceremony does not need to be presided over by a minister or Judicial Officer to be official. The clerk and recorder’s office, the couple themselves, or other person of your choosing can certify a marriage or a civil union.

Step 2 – If you decide you would like a Judicial Officer to perform your ceremony, click here to complete the request form to schedule your ceremony with a Judge/Magistrate. We will attempt to accommodate the exact time that you have selected, however if no Judicial Officer is available at that specific time we will attempt to fill the request to the nearest time possible. For example if you select 3:00 p.m. and no Judicial Officer is available we will attempt to schedule the ceremony at the closest open time that afternoon.

Step 3 - The Ceremony Coordinator will try to match your request with an available Judicial Officer then will send you a confirmation via email. If you have any questions please email 19JDClerkofCourt@judicial.state.co.us or call 970-475-2400.  

Step 4 - Be sure to bring your marriage or civil union license with you to your scheduled ceremony.