Please call the Jury Information Line at 719-783-2274 after 5:00 pm the evening prior to your appearance.
Please note, we do not process juror postponements or disqualifications by phone.
Postponement and Disqualification Requests:
Click Here to Submit a Postponement Request - All jurors are entitled to a one-time postponement of up to 6 months from their summons date. Postponement requests must be submitted in writing and can easily be submitted using this link. Postponement requests must be made 5 business days prior to your appearance date.
Click Here to Submit a Disqualification Request - Please carefully review section 2 of your summons for details regarding what may qualify you for disqualification or excusal. For medical exemptions a note from a licensed medical professional specifically stating the juror cannot perform jury duty for medical reasons is required. The note should also indicate whether the excusal should be temporary or permanent.
To submit your request by mail, please fill out section 2 of your summons and mail to: Jury Commissioner PO Box 60 Westcliffe, CO 81252
- There are no economic, age-related, or occupational exclusions from jury service.
- If you have missed your appearance date, please submit a postponement request as soon as possible and provide an alternate date you are available to be rescheduled.
- Students (including those attending school out-of-state) are not disqualified from jury service if their home of record is located in Custer County. Please see the postponement option above and provide dates when the student is home from school to complete their service.
- If you do not meet any of the criteria on the summons to be disqualified from jury service but still wish to be excused, you will have the opportunity the morning of your service to bring up your concerns with the Judge and parties and they will consider your hardship during the selection process.
Appearance Information:
- Please CALL the Jury Information Line at 719-783-2274 after 5:00 pm the evening prior to your appearance to confirm appearance information.
- Please COMPLETE and SIGN the Questionnaire portion of your summons and bring it with you when you report.
- Please DO NOT bring children with you to Jury Service.
- There are NO FOOD or BEVERAGES allowed in the Courthouse. You may bring a clear plastic water bottle only.
- Be prepared to go through security screening. All items brought into the courthouse are subject to search. NO WEAPONS or VAPES are allowed.