270 S Tejon St
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Estados Unidos
Refer to the El Paso County Juror Reporting Schedule.
Juror # 3251 - 3678 and jurors rescheduled to March 17 but did not receive a new jury summons --
Report to the Jury Assembly Room no later than 8 am - the courthouse opens at 7:30 am.
Complete and sign the questionnaire portion of your jury summons and bring it in with you.
To receive a parking validation for parking in one of the County garages, you must bring the parking stub from the County garage in with you to the Jury Assembly Room.
Juror # 3680 - 4000
Call 719-452-5002 at 11 am for further reporting instructions. You may be required to report by 12:30 pm.
not yet available