9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

Jury Information

  • Samantha Wright

    Clerk of Court, Jury Commissioner
    6th Judicial District
    San Juan County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

County Announcements

The evening prior to your jury service date, or on the weekend if your trial is scheduled for a Monday, please check the Reporting Schedule below or call 970-387-5790 after 5:00 p.m. to find out if the trial is going and you need to report.  Signs will also be posted at the courthouse and Silverton Post Office. Please check again the day of your service date for last-minute updates. Have your juror number ready.  Please complete the Juror Questionnaire on your summons and bring it with you.  

  • Report to the San Juan County Courthouse, 1557 Greene St., Silverton. You may park for free in the courthouse parking lot or curbside near the courthouse.  
  • You cannot bring children, pets, soda, coffee, food, or explosives (such as lighters or e-cigarettes) into the Courthouse unless medically required.  
  • You may bring water in a clear plastic container, a small hand sanitizer and a face mask if desired. 
  • SECURITY NOTICE: All persons must pass through a metal detector and security screening. Please allow adequate time. 
  • To leave a message for the jury commissioner email sanjuanjury@judicial.state.co.us or call 970-387-5790
  • For those requesting postponements or disqualifications: due to the volume of requests received, we might not respond to your request if we are able to grant it.  Thank you.

Jury Reporting Schedule

San Juan County Courthouse

Time: 8:00 a.m.
Jurors Needed to Report:


Jurors Excused:

Trial has been canceled. No jurors need to report on this date.

Time: 8:00 a.m.
Jurors Needed to Report:


Jurors Excused:

Trial will be held. All jurors called for this date need to report at 8 a.m.