901 9th Ave
P.O. Box 2038 (80632)
Greeley, CO 80631
Estados Unidos
No updates at this time.
For Monday, March 17, 2025, there are two reporting times. Please read this entire message. Please report at your assigned time.
At 7:45 am, Jurors in the range between 5516 through 5754 are required to report at 7:45 am to the Weld County Plaza West Building, 910 10th Ave., East Entrance in Greeley.
At 9:30 am, Jurors in the range between 5755 through 5989 are required to report at 9:30 am to the Weld County Plaza West Building, 910 10th Ave., East Entrance, in Greeley.
Please complete the questionnaire located on your jury summons and bring the summons with you when you report on March 17th.
FREE parking is available in Juror Parking Lot 2 which is between 8th and 9th Avenue on 11th Street. FREE parking is also available in the Depot Parking Lot on the NE corner of 7th Avenue and 10th Street. A parking permit is not required during jury selection.
HANDICAP parking is available on the north side of the Courthouse Commons on 9th Street with a placard or license plate.
Jurors 5990 through 6915 are not required to report.
Please check back after 3pm on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, for reporting information.
Not available.