9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Jury Information

  • Sarah Esparza

    Jury Commissioner
    8th Judicial District
    Larimer County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

County Announcements

Locate the date you are summoned to appear under the Jury Reporting Schedule at the bottom of this page. Jurors reporting to Loveland, please scroll down to the Loveland County Court to find your reporting date. If your juror number is needed to report, you MUST CALL the jury office at 970-494-3555 ext 1 at the designated call-in time listed on your summons to receive the most up to date information and additional reporting instructions.  Check in at Jury Assembly on the 1st floor. Be sure have your questionnaire filled out.


Parking Information: 

  • For jurors reporting to the Larimer County Justice Center: The Justice Center is located at 201 Laporte Ave. It is on the south side if Laporte Ave between Mason St. and Howes St. Parking is available at the Civic Center Parking Structure located directly east of the Justice Center at 120 N. Mason. Park on any level. Cost for parking is $1.00 per hour, with the first hour free. 
  • You must prepay at the pay station in the parking structure. All day free parking is available on the city streets west of the Justice Center on Laporte Ave., Meldrum St. and Maple St. 
  • Do not park in any 2 hour parking zones. You will be here longer than 2 hours without a change to move your car. Parking longer than 2 hours in a 2 hour parking zone can result in a parking ticket. 
  • The lot in front of the Justice Center off of Howes Street is 2 hour parking, DO NOT park in that lot UNLESS you have a disabled plate or placard. If you have a disabled plate or placard, the 2 hour limit will not be enforced in the Howes Street lot and you can park in any space if the disabled parking spaces are full. 
  • Jurors reporting to the Loveland Police and Courts Building at 810 E. 10th St, it is located 4 blocks south of the intersection of Eisenhower and Monroe. Park in the north lot. Check in with the Clerk of Court Office. Be sure to have your questionnaire filled out. 

Please allow 15 minutes to process through security screening

Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited inside the Justice Center and are subject to seizure: 

  • Any form of metal drink containers.
  • Any form of firearm, ammunition or simulated “toy” weapon.
  • Any form of knife, sharpened object, razor blades, box cutters, scissors, large-handled combs, large-pointed objects, knitting needles, nail clippers and metal eating utensils.
  • Any form of an electronic taser or stunning device.
  • Any form of pepper spray or chemical/aerosol irritant.
  • Any form of tool, large flashlight or multi-tool device.
  • Any form of restraining device, including handcuff keys.
  • Any form of baton, club or self-defense weapon.
  • Any form of an alcoholic beverage.
  • Any illegal drug or drug paraphernalia.
  • Marijuana, medicinal or otherwise including paraphernalia.

Jury Reporting Schedule

Larimer County Justice Center

Time: 8:00 AM
Jurors Needed to Report:

Juror numbers: 6926 through and including 7440 must report.

Also, individual juror numbers: 5921 and 6125 must report.

** For those summoned to appear on Monday, the doors to the building and to the Jury Assembly Room will be open at 7:30AM. Plan ahead and please arrive 30 minutes early to be checked in on time. 

Expect long lines at security and at Jury Assembly. Please limit your personal belongings to expedite the screening process. Leave Mace, pocketknives, chains, knitting needles, nail clippers and all sharp objects at home or in your car. DO NOT BRING ANY METAL DRINKING CONTAINERS.

Complete your questionnaire ahead of time to avoid delay in jury check in. Your questionnaire was mailed to you with your summons and it must be completed in order to check in. 


Jurors Excused:

Juror numbers: 7441 through and including 7795 do not report and are released.


Time: 8:00 AM
Jurors Needed to Report:

Juror numbers: 1 through and including 105 must report.

Also, individual juror numbers: 5845 and 6139 must report.


Jurors Excused:

Juror numbers: 106 through and including 255 do not report and are excused.


Jurors Needed to Report:


Jurors Excused:

All jurors do not report and are excused.

Time: 8:00 AM
Jurors Needed to Report:

Juror numbers: 416 through and including 520 must report.

Also, individual juror numbers: 5845, 6139, 6150, 6156, 6157, 6499, 6939, 7035, 7038, 7121, 7395 and 7601 must report.


Jurors Excused:

Juror numbers: 521 through and including 734 do not report.


Jurors Needed to Report:


Jurors Excused:

All jurors do not report and are excused.

Jurors Needed to Report:


Jurors Excused:

All jurors do not report and are excused.

Loveland County Court

Time: 8:00 AM
Jurors Needed to Report:

Juror numbers: 256 through and including 320 must report.


Jurors Excused:

Juror numbers: 323 through and including 340 do not report and are excused.

Time: 8:00 AM
Jurors Needed to Report:

Juror numbers: 1054 through and including 1105 must report


Jurors Excused:

Juror numbers: 1106 through and including 1140 do not report and are excused.