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Application process opens for Eviction Legal Defense Fund grants

Monday, April 1, 2024, DENVER – The Colorado Judicial Department announced today that the application period for Fiscal Year 2025 grants from the Eviction Legal Defense Fund has opened.

This grant program was created by the General Assembly in 2019 to provide funding to Colorado nonprofit organizations that help low-income persons who are experiencing an eviction or are at immediate risk of an eviction. Successful grant recipients must have experience providing legal services, including legal representation, to eligible persons facing eviction proceedings, actions for monetary damages, lease violations, or other judicial actions where legal services are necessary to protect the tenant’s interests.

Funding available for the upcoming grant cycle is expected to be $1.1 million. In Fiscal Year 2024, seven organizations received grants totaling $1.9 million.

Grants are awarded to qualifying organizations based on a geographic, need-driven formula that considers the number of forcible entry and detainer filings (i.e., eviction actions) in each county or city and county across the State.

Application links, rules, and other information about the grant program may be found at https://www.courts.state.co.us/Administration/Unit.cfm?Unit=eldfgp. Applications must be submitted via the Office of the State Court Administrator’s grant management system, AmpliFund, by 5 p.m. on April 30, 2024.  Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please direct questions to EvictionLegalDefenseFund@judicial.state.co.us.