9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

1/20/25 - All courts and probation offices closed for MLK Jr. Day

Warrant Clearance Day to be held on Nov. 2 in Denver metro area and Pueblo County

Oct. 28, 2024, DENVER – If you have an active warrant, Fresh Start Warrant Clearance Day for eligible offenses may be the key to clearing up your past without arrest.

Warrant clearance events will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for people with eligible warrants in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Gilpin, Jefferson and Pueblo counties. No appointment is necessary. Court officials, probation officers, public defenders and district attorneys will be available to help people clear eligible warrants issued in that district, resolve cases or set a new court date, get back on track to completing probation and connect with on-site community resources.

Eligible offenses for warrant clearance differ by district and are listed below, along with event location. The events exclude people who have been charged or convicted of an offense under the Victim Rights Act, such as assault, child abuse, unlawful sexual contact or domestic violence.  

  • 1st Judicial District (Gilpin and Jefferson counties): Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway in Golden. Eligible offenses for warrant clearance include low-level, nonviolent misdemeanors and traffic offenses, some class 5 and class 6 property offense felonies and class 4 drug felonies. To check warrant-clearance eligibility for probation-revocation cases, email 01probation@judicial.state.co.us. To check eligibility for all other cases, email warrantforgiveness.golden@coloradodefenders.us. For more information, visit this website: https://www.jeffco.us/4346/Fresh-Start  


  • 2nd Judicial District (Denver County): A.I.D. Center of Denver County, 1370 Elati Street in Denver. Eligible offenses include Denver misdemeanor cases, Denver municipal cases, Denver class 4, 5 or 6 felonies, Denver class 3 or 4 drug felonies or probation violations in any of the case types listed above. For questions before the event, email denver@coloradodefenders.us   


  • 10th Judicial District (Pueblo County): Dennis Maes Pueblo Combined Court, 501 N. Elizabeth St. in Pueblo. Eligible offenses include property crimes that are now misdemeanors (including felonies for these crimes that pre-date the law change on March 1, 2022), aggravated driving after revocation prohibited, aggravated motor vehicle theft under $2,000, criminal mischief under $2,000, possession of burglary tools, criminal impersonation, failure to verify sex offender location, identity theft, theft under $2,000, trespass to auto, fraud by check under $2,000, class 1 drug misdemeanors, class 4, 5 or 6 felonies, class 4 drug felonies, probation violation warrants that don’t involve the Victim Rights Act, petty offenses and traffic offenses that don’t have ineligible criteria (as noted above). If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email warrantforgiveness.pueblo@coloradodefenders.us. 


  • 17th Judicial District (Adams and Broomfield counties): This event will only be held virtually, and the link to join will be posted on this website the morning of the event: https://adamsbroomfieldda.org. Eligible offenses include low-level, nonviolent misdemeanors and traffic offenses, some probation violation warrants, class 5 and 6 nonviolent felonies, possession class 4 drug felonies and failure to register. Email the Office of the Public Defender to determine if you are eligible: warrantforgiveness.brighton@coloradodefenders.us.  


  • 18th Judicial District (Arapahoe County only): Arapahoe District Court, 7325 S. Potomac Street in Centennial. Eligible offenses include any active warrant for class 5 or 6 felonies, class 4 drug felonies, misdemeanors, traffic offenses or probation violations in Arapahoe County. If you have questions, call the Public Defender’s Office at (303) 799-9001. 


  • 20th Judicial District (Boulder County): Boulder County Justice Center, 1777 Sixth Street in Boulder. Eligible offenses include charges, guilty pleas or convictions for misdemeanor or traffic offenses only. Find out more: https://bouldercounty.gov/district-attorney/fresh-start/. 

If you have an eligible warrant in one of the jurisdictions listed above, you may appear in person in Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, Jefferson and Pueblo counties and resolve your warrant virtually in another participating jurisdiction.