9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

1/20/25 - All courts and probation offices closed for MLK Jr. Day

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

End Child Support

Criteria for Ending Child Support

Child support may end when your last or only child becomes emancipated. Emancipation happens if one of the following is true.

  1. A child turns 19 years old, and he/she is not still in high school or an equivalent program.
  2. The court decides that a child is emancipated.
  3. A child gets married or enters into a civil union.
  4. A child enters into active military duty.

If you and the other parent have a written agreement saying that child support keeps going after the child turns 19 years old, then you will follow that agreement as to when child support will end.

If your child is mentally or physically disabled, child support may be ordered to be continued even after your child turns 19 years old.

If your child is still in high school or an equivalent program when he/she turns 19 years old, child support will keep going until the end of the month after graduation.

If your child stops going to high school, but later goes back, he/she keeps getting child support until the end of the month after graduation. However, child support will usually not go beyond the age of 21 unless there are special circumstances.


  • JDF 1426 - Instructions to File a Motion to Terminate Child Support.


  • JDF 1408 - Motion to Terminate Child Support
  • JDF 1409 - Order to Terminate Child Support. For detailed instructions on how to complete these forms, review JDF 1426 Instructions to File a Motion to Terminate Child Support.


Other Forms as Needed

  • JDF 1403 - Motion to Modify Child Support.

Submit Paperwork


  1. File online at Colorado Courts E-Filing.
    • Or, file with the same court that gave you the original order. Use the courts locator to find the correct court location.
  2. Pay the filing fee.  
    • Visit the Fee Page for a list of fees and information on fee waivers.
  3. Mail a copy of the paperwork you filed to the other parent.  Skip this stipe if both parents signed a stipulation.


What Happens Next?

Wait for the court's response to your Motion. You may be required to attend mediation and/or a hearing may be held.