9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

1/20/25 - All courts and probation offices closed for MLK Jr. Day

Colleen Clark

Colleen Clark

Colleen Clark

County Court Judge
Primary Phone
Arapahoe County


Judge Colleen Clark was first appointed to the bench in January 2015. She has worked as a municipal judge, magistrate and currently sits as a county court judge in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Prior to joining the bench Judge Clark worked around the state as a prosecutor in the rural jurisdictions of Eagle, Summit, Clear Creek and Lake and the metro jurisdictions of Adams and Arapahoe. Although she prosecuted all types of cases, she specialized in victim crimes and crimes against children. Judge Clark is a member of the International and National Associations of Women Judges and is the District Director for Colorado, Arizona, Utah and Wyoming. Judge Clark has been part of numerous problem-solving courts from wellness courts focusing on mental health to truancy. Judge Clark serves on the Judicial Wellness Committee, the Senior Judge Committee and writes a blog for moms on the bench. She spends every day supporting and championing for moms in the courthouse. She originally hails from upstate New York where she received her BA from the University of Rochester and then her J.D. from Boston University. She spends her free time wrangling horses, ponies, kids and dogs. She currently sits in a civil docket.

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