9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather


If you have any questions, please contact the Boulder Court main number (303)441-3750

County Court Civil Returns


Wednesday afternoons beginning at 1:30 p.m., except on holidays.


Friday afternoons beginning at 1:30 p.m., except on holidays and the Friday after Thanksgiving.


Court Appointed Counsel Application Information

The 20th Judicial District (Boulder) is seeking qualified attorneys to provide legal representation as:

  • Advisory counsel in criminal matters, pursuant to CJD 04-04
  • Counsel in truancy pursuant to Title 22 or probate matters pursuant to Title 15, Article 14, C.R.S.
  • Counsel for a witness regarding self-incrimination pursuant to CJD 04-04
  • Counsel for a grand jury witness pursuant to Section 16-5-204, C.R.S.
  • Counsel in contempt proceedings pursuant to Rule 107(d) and 407(d) of the CRS of Civil Procedure
  • Guardian ad litem services for impaired adults in civil cases pursuant to CJD 04-05
  • Counsel in probate protective proceedings (guardianship / conservatorship)

Interested attorneys are asked to email a completed copy of the "Attorney's Application to Provide Legal Services as Court-Appointed Counsel" to tracey.sogi@judicial.state.co.us or mail to ATTN: Tracey Sogi, PO Box 4249, Boulder, CO 80306.

APPLICATION - Attorney's Application to Provide Legal Services as Court-Appointed Counsel

For detailed information regarding CAC compensation rates, qualifications, and application procedure, please view the posting below:

POSTING - CAC Misc Appts - Non-Contract Hourly

Please note: The application and posting reference an application deadline of March 29, 2024. Though this deadline has passed, the 20th Judicial District will continue to accept applications.

Court Resource Center

1777 Sixth Street
Boulder, CO 80302
View Map
(720) 664-1505

For assistance, call or e-mail the self-represented litigant coordinators and leave a detailed message. You can expect response within 3 business days. You are encouraged to make an appointment for in-depth questions or help with multiple forms. Self-help appointments are now offered by phone, email, video chat, or in-person.




If you need to file documents with the court, you may do so by one of the following methods:

  • By mail - Address to Clerk of Court, P.O. Box 4249, Boulder, CO 80306
  • In-person - Visit the Clerk's Office located at 1777 6th Street, Boulder, CO 80302, open Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • E-filing for non-attorney - E-file is only possible in Domestic Relations and Eviction cases

Please include any applicable filing fees, otherwise your filing may be rejected! You may find additional information about filing fees at the following link: List of Fees | Colorado Judicial Branch

Court Visitor Program

Are you interested in becoming a Court Visitor? The 20th judicial district is seeking qualified applicants to serve in the role of court visitor in adult guardianship and conservatorship cases.

Court Text Reminder Program

The 20th Judicial District is part of the Statewide text message reminder program that is in compliance with C.R.S. § 13-3-1021(14). This program was initiated with the goal to reduce the number of people who fail to appear for their court appearances across the state on criminal (CR,T, M) and juvenile (JD) cases.

All participants are automatically opted into the program and will receive a text message reminder on their mobile device reminding them of:

  • Upcoming court dates
  • Missed court dates
  • Unplanned court closures

To sign up, complete the JDF 18 form. (internal link needed) A JDF 18 must be filled out for each court case you would like to receive text reminders for.

Mail the completed JDF 18 to:

20th Judicial District
ATTN: Court Text Reminder Program
P.O. Box 4249
Boulder, CO 80301

Or you may drop off the form in person at the Clerk's Office window in Boulder or Longmont.

Evictions (FED) & Name Changes

Please review Administrative Order 20-108 for information on the Boulder and Longmont eviction process and attachments required for service. See schedule changes and additional resources.

Free Classes & Legal Resources

We are happy to announce that some of the free classes and legal resources are now being offered in-person. For assistance, call (720) 664-1505 and leave a detailed message, or email bouldercourtselfhelp@judicial.state.co.us.

Learn more about free classes and access legal resources.

Legal Postings

Rule 120 is a Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure that addresses "Court Proceedings for Sales Under Powers", which essentially means foreclosure.

Domestic Relations cases address matters of family law, including marriage, divorce, custody, and adoption.

See Rule 120 and Domestic Relations notices.

Small Claims

Small Claims Court is available for simple cases to recover money or property, perform a contract, set aside a contract, or comply with restrictive covenants. It is a court of limited jurisdiction. Learn more about Small Claims.

Extreme Risk Protection Orders

Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) are used when someone is at risk of harming themselves or others, or to remove someone's guns for a short time. Access self-help resources for Extreme Risk Protection Orders.

An Extreme Risk Protection Order differs from a regular Protection Order, which stops someone from coming near you or contacting you. Access self-help resources for regular Protection Orders.

Walk-In Warrant Information

The goal of walk-in warrant procedures is to allow criminal defendants with active warrants to get their cases added to the docket and back on track as quickly as possible.

Boulder County Docket Search

Find dockets for Boulder County