You may submit your document via e-mail to:
Please note the guidelines below. If you have questions, you can contact the Clerk’s Office at 970-725-3357 ext. 7 during regular business hours.
Guidelines for Pro-Se e-mailed documents:
Documents that do not meet the above criteria will be rejected
Document is not filed until accepted by the Clerk's Office and uploaded into the Court's case management system.
Family Court Resources: Susan Ritschard, Family Court Facilitator
Grand Office Hours: Wednesdays, 8:30-12pm and 1pm -5:00 pm (970) 725-3357, ext. 3
To make an appointment with a Sherlock (Self-Help Litigant Coordinator), contact:
You are welcome to send an email to the Self-Help inbox at
Self-Help Resources in Routt and Moffat Counties: Evgeneia Dolos, Self-Help Litigant Coordinator
Self-Help Resources in Grand County: Linda Manguso, Self-Help Litigant Coordinator
For an existing appointment, you may click the name of the Self-Help Litigant Coordinator you are meeting with to join the meeting virtually via WEBEX at your scheduled appointment time.
JOIN MEETING WITH LINDA MANGUSO or call 720-650-7664, meeting # 2591 679 6541#
JOIN MEETING WITH EVGENEIA DOLOS or call 720-650-7664, meeting # 2591 679 6541#
Self Help Personnel cannot provide legal advice or answer questions about Traffic tickets or criminal cases and cannot assist Attorneys.
For more information refer to Notice To Self-Represented Litigants – Chief Justice Directive 13-01.
Click Here if you are Appearing Virtually
If you are filing a document, you may send it to the following email: