Information Regarding Virtual Proceedings
A. General Information:
- Please ensure that you are using the correct link. There is one for parties and their attorneys (see Section B) and one for non-parties (see Section C).
- If you have technical difficulties, please contact the Court Clerk's Office
- If you are a party to a court hearing or an attorney who has been directed by the court to participate remotely, please click this Link to learn how to use WebEx before you call in for your proceeding.
B. For Parties to a Court Hearing and their Attorneys:
- View the Park County WebEx & Phone Conference Information.
- Please Note: The link above is solely for parties and their attorneys. If you are not a party, please do not attempt to observe proceedings via this link. Instead, use the icon shown below in the "For Non-Parties" section (i.e., Section C).
C. For Non-Parties (Persons not directly involved with a specific court hearing but would like to observe court proceedings):
- Public Livestreaming Information.
- Warning: Do not record or reproduce the court proceedings. Any recording of these proceedings—including any audio recording, visual recording, screen capture, or photograph—without the express prior written authorization of the court is prohibited. You must conduct yourself in a manner consistent with solemnity, decorum, and dignity of the courtroom. If you engage in the prohibited recording of these proceedings or if you are disruptive during these proceedings, the court may: (1) mute you; (2) expel you from the meeting; and/or (3) subject you to contempt proceedings. For more information, please see Chief Justice Directive 23-02 and C.R.S. 13-1-132.
- Witnesses who are set to testify: If there is a sequestration order that prohibits you from watching these proceedings, disconnect immediately and let the court know if you watched or heard any of the proceedings.
- Parties to the proceeding who are appearing virtually for court: Please note that you will not be able to participate from the public livestreaming site. The 11th Judicial District WebEx information can be accessed above in the "For Parties and their Attorneys" section (i.e., Section B)
Where To Get Information
If you are a party who is not represented by an attorney in a Domestic Relations Case or an eviction (FED) case, you may now E-file court documents. Click the link below to register:
Pro Se Efiling
Self-Represented Litigant Coordinator
Assist self-represented litigants in the effective and efficient processing of court cases while educating self-represented litigants on court statutes, rules, policies and procedures within legal limitations to ensure that court cases are handled properly and expeditiously.
To contact the Park County Self-Represented Litigant Coordinator, Julie Akers, call 719-836-2940 or email: Self-Represented Litigant Coordinator
Family Court Facilitator
Provides individual case management and coordination of family-related matters including domestic relations, domestic violence, dependency and neglect, and delinquency cases before the Colorado Judicial Department court.
To contact the Park County Family Court Facilitator, Lori Hale, call 719-539-2561 or email: Family Court Facilitator
Research Requests
You may submit a request for research. Research Request Form.
Release of Information: Per CJD 05-01 Addendum E, if an ROI is needed, please complete an ROI form to include with your research request and send form to:
Transcript Requests
Please email, fax, mail or submit a Transcript Form. You can email your Transcript Request to: Park Combined Court.
If you have general questions regarding a case or matter, please use the contact information below. For cases or questions:
Park County Combined Court
fax# 719-838-4569 or call 719-836-2940