9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

E-Filing for Attorneys

Filing fees

E-Filing for Attorneys

Colorado Courts E-Filing for Attorneys

The Colorado Courts E-Filing system allows authorized users to file and serve documents electronically in the Colorado Courts.

Licensed attorneys may use the system for civil, criminal, domestic, water, probate, and appellate court cases. Self-represented litigants may use the system where and when available.



Technical Support


  • No fees assessed on rejected filings effective February 2021: Starting February 20, 2021, the Colorado Courts E-Filing system will not assess E-Filing or E-Service fees on filings rejected by the courts. US Mail fees will remain non-refundable for rejected filings.


Court Records Search

Public Access: Records of the Court Available on the Internet

Access to trial court case documents and files is not available directly through the Colorado Judicial Branch website. Copies of court documents are also not available on the site.

For specific information related to a particular case, you must visit or contact the court in which the action was filed, or visit a commercial site that allows users to search a real-time register of actions of state court records on the Internet. Copies of documents are not available from any of the commercial sites and may only be obtained by contacting the individual court where the documents were filed. A register of actions available on commercial sites includes civil, civil water, small claims, domestic, felony, misdemeanor, and traffic cases.

Records can be accessed by name or case number through the vendors listed below. There are charges for these services. Please contact a vendor for more information.


Business-to-Consumer Services

Business-to-Business Services

Background Information Services, Inc.



LexisNexis | Colorado Courts Record Search







The data is provided in real time from the Colorado Judicial Department electronic database for county and district courts; however, the Colorado Judicial Department or contractors declare that the information provided does not constitute the official record of the court. Any user of the information is hereby advised that it is being provided "as is" with no warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. The information on this website does not represent all the cases or case types filed with the Colorado courts.

In no event shall the Colorado Judicial Department be held liable for damages of any nature, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this Internet product or the inability to use this Internet service; including loss of profits, loss of savings, or other incidental or consequential damages.

The information may be subject to error or omission. If you believe any of the data is inaccurate, please contact the court where the original record was created and filed.

In addition, this site provides links to servers maintained by other organizations for which the Colorado Judicial Department provides no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or source of any information found on any such server or the content of any file or data which the user might choose to download from such third-party site.

E-Filing FAQs

What document security levels does the system have?

There are five security levels for documents filed with the court:

  • Public: Access to court, all case parties, and public.
  • Protected: Access to the public following redaction.
  • Restricted: Access to judges, court and Judicial Department staff, all case parties (including parties' attorneys), and criminal justice agencies.  
  • Suppressed: Access to judges, court and Judicial Department staff, and all case parties (including parties’ attorneys).
  • Sealed: Access to judges and court/Judicial Department staff.

See Chief Justice Directive 05-01 for detailed definitions of these security levels.

There are three security levels for serve-only documents:

  • Public: All case parties and public.
  • Suppressed: All case parties only.
  • Private: Filing parties and served parties only.

Can the courts reject filings?

Yes, the court clerks can reject filings. However, they may only do so for at least one of the reasons for rejection listed in Chief Justice Directive 11-01. If the court rejects your filing, you can see the rejection reason through the Alerts screen.

Does the system charge organizations for rejected filings?

Statutory Filing fees, E-Filing fees, and E-Service fees are not assessed on filings until the courts accept them. Thus, Statutory, E-Filing, and E-Service fees are not charged on rejected filings. US Mail fees are assessed when the filing is submitted to the court and are non-refundable.  

Each rejected filing will be accompanied by a reason for rejection. The system also allows rejected documents to automatically be included in a new filing that can be corrected and re-submitted to the court.

How do you bill organizations?

Organizations are billed monthly and will receive invoices via email.

What payment options are available?

For attorneys, accepted payment types include automated clearing house (ACH)/E-Check, physical check, and credit card. Paying your invoice by credit card will include an additional 3.0% fee. You can review the pricing model for all fees associated with the system.

For self-represented litigants, the system accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.

Is there a file size limit for e-filed documents?

Yes, the system allows up to 15MB per document, with a total of 150MB per filing submission.  

Can organizations E-File into Denver County Court?

Denver County Court cases are not available in the Colorado Court's E-Filing system. Organizations should continue to file and serve in Denver County Court through File & Serve Xpress. Denver District and Probate Court cases can be submitted through the Colorado Court's E-Filing system.

What cases can attorneys and agencies file into?

County Court: Civil suits asking for money damages, FED case types filed pursuant to §13-40-101 et. seq., foreign judgments, name changes, replevins, misdemeanors, and minor traffic infractions. 

District Court: General jurisdiction civil, domestic relations, probate, and water cases. Criminal and juvenile delinquency cases.

Court of Appeals: All case classes and types.

Supreme Court: All case classes and types. 


Does the system support batch filing?

Yes, batch filing is available and supported for civil case classes. For additional information, please email efilingfeedback@judicial.state.co.us.

Do 3rd Party Filers need to sign an agreement with a law firm to use the system?

3rd Party Filers and their law firms must sign a Supplemental User Agreement. 3rd Party Filers will need to scan and email the signed agreement to efilingsupport@judicial.state.co.us. A Support Team member will notify each organization when the account creation process is complete.

Can an attorney have multiple accounts? (This FAQ applies only to those attorneys who chose to set up multiple accounts tied to the same bar number.)

Yes, but each account must be tied to an organization. And as an attorney, you can have more than one account tied to your bar number and housed in different organizations. However, if you choose to maintain multiple accounts, there are several important caveats to note with cases you initiated through LexisNexis (historical cases) that were imported into the Colorado Courts E-Filing system.

The courts case management system does not tie your bar number to an organization. Therefore, when you have multiple accounts, the system will not know by default which account should be tied to which organization in your historical cases. As a result, until you file a document in these historical cases through one of your accounts, the following limitations will apply in each case:

  • Staff within your organizations will not have access to the case’s suppressed and protected documents.
  • Staff within your office will not have access to a suppressed case or a probate case.
  • Opposing counsel will not be able to E-Serve you in the case.  

After you or your staff files into these historical cases using one of your accounts, the system will then be able to tie the historical cases to the proper organization. This will restore your staff's access to protected and suppressed documents and to suppressed cases and probate cases, as well as opposing counsel’s ability to E-Serve you. 

In addition, your email address will be your user ID. Your email address must be unique for each account. Thus, if you wish to maintain different accounts, you must use a different email address for each.

What happens to an organization’s court case when an attorney of record leaves the organization?

When an attorney leaves an organization, both the attorney and the organization will retain access to the case until the attorney or the organization takes one of the actions below to transfer ownership.  

The transferring attorney keeps the case: The attorney will receive a new system account in the new organization and should file a “Notice of Change of Address - Attorney” under this new account. This filing will transfer the case to the new organization.

The current organization keeps the case: The organization should file a “Substitution of Counsel”.  This filing will keep the case at the existing organization and update counsel of record.

Neither the transferring attorney nor the existing organization will continue representation: The attorney should file a “Notice of Withdrawal" or "Motion to Withdraw”. This will remove case access from the attorney and the organization.