Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/19/25 - UPDATE 1: Delayed starts and closures due to inclement weather

Become an Interpreter

Want to become a Certified Interpreter? 


Visit our Certification Calendar of Events 2024-2025 page for steps on how to become an interpreter for the below languages and upcoming events. 

Spanish                                              Arabic                                     Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian

Cantonese                                        French                                    Haitian Creole              

Hmong                                              Ilocano                                    Khmer

Korean                                               Laotian                                   Mandarin                     

Polish                                                Portuguese                            Russian

Tagalog                                            Turkish                                    Vietnamese


Office of Language Access Rate Schedule

If you are interested in conveying written material from one language into a different language, please visit the American Translators Association for more information. Colorado Judicial does not provide certification for translators


Interpreter Requirements

The Office of Language Access may grant reciprocity to a Spanish or Language Other Than Spanish (LOTS) interpreter who is certified by passing the National Center for State Court’s Oral Certification Exam in a state other than Colorado. For Credentialed languages, the Office of Language Access may grant reciprocity for interpreters who have passed the National Center for State Court's Written Exam with a score of 70% and can provide Oral Proficiency Interview scores. 

An interpreter requesting reciprocity must:
1. Visit our website and submit the Reciprocity Request Form for Certified Interpreters or Non-Certified Interpreters; and
2. Supply all documentation listed below. The Reciprocity Request Form and additional documents should be sent, as one complete package, to Once the interpreter’s information has been confirmed the interpreter will be notified within 15 business days.  If you have questions, please email

An interpreter certified through the National Center for State Court’s Oral Certification
Examination in another state must submit to OLA the following requirements:

  1. Oral Certification Exam score sheet, showing a passing score of at least 70% in all three sections;
  2. Documentation, in the form of prior invoices, emails, or other signed acknowledgements, stating the interpreter has had at least 48 hours of legal professional interpreting in the last six months; and
  3. Eight hours of continuing education credits in legal interpreting courses, completed in the last six months. Certificates of attendance must be turned in as proof.
  4. A letter of good standing from the certifying state program.
  5. If reciprocity is granted, the interpreter will be required to participate in the Office of Language Access’ Reciprocity Orientation within six month's following the interpreter having received reciprocity.

Approval process and Reciprocity Decision
After receipt, OLA will review the Reciprocity Request Form and all accompanying documents. A reciprocity decision form will be sent to the candidate, within 30 days of submission, indicating if their application was granted or denied.