9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

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Contract Management Unit

Welcome to the Contracts Management Unit

The mission of the CMU is to effectively and efficiently lead an array of contracting best practices, by documenting business transactions, avoiding or addressing disputes with suppliers of goods and services, and advising Judicial staff on other contract matters.  

The CMU services include:

Legal Counsel and Contracting Advice

CMU attorneys and Contracts Specialists regularly advise Judicial employees on matters with contract implications, and how agency rules and policies, and Colorado law, may impact contract issues. When addressing new contract matters, the CMU presents the tools and approaches that meet agency requirements, while best addressing the needs of CMU business partners. Also, when questions arise from existing contracts, the team provides interpretation of contract provisions, counsel on resolution approaches and, if needed, assistance with resolving a current dispute.

Contract Drafting and Related Services   

The CMU drafts numerous contracts each year, ranging from speaker engagements and independent contractor agreements, to intellectual property, probation service and outpatient treatment service contracts. This work includes the drafting of new contracts, as well as needed modifications and extensions, and assistance with associated documentation.

Contract Administration  

The CMU partners with the Procurement Team, and Forum System owners to supply the needed contract administration tools to Judicial personnel. This includes training resources and assistance in using Forum—the system that captures new contract requests, reflects the status of contracts in process, and houses previously signed agreements. The CMU also works with contract owners to understand and address contract requirements, including activities scheduled to occur following contract execution. 

Contract Management Unit Contact Information
