9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

Financial Services


Financial Services

Purchasing & Vendors

Welcome to the Procurement and Vendor Liaison Unit

Procurement Unit

The mission of Purchasing is to maximize the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of Judicial Department funds in purchases, to provide responsive customer service, and to protect the Judicial Department through standardized policies and procedures.

The objectives of the purchasing department are to:

  1. Provide for effective, efficient and economical purchases statewide
  2. Procure goods and services at the lowest possible cost or best value to the Judicial Department
  3. Maintain integrity and transparency
  4. Establish a continuity of supply sources
  5. Establish key strategic partnerships which will maximize the Judicial Department’s buying power locally and nationally.
  6. Maintain high quality standards
  7. Avoid duplication of work
  8. Achieve harmonious, productive work relationships with other departments and suppliers.

Procurement Contact Information

Email: FSDpurchasing@judicial.state.co.us

Phone: 720-625-5000


Vendor Liaison Unit

The Vendor Liaison Unit at the State Court Administrator’s Office is dedicated to supporting probation departments and service providers throughout Colorado’s Judicial Districts.  The team engages in various initiatives to support vendor relationships, streamline communications and serve as a centralized point-of contact, and provide guidance, training, and technical assistance to the network of service providers.

Vendor Liaison Contact Information

Email: vendorsupport@judicial.state.co.us

Phone: 720-625-5000


Outpatient Services Request for Qualifications RFQ

Awards Resulting from the Outpatient Services RFQ:

As awards are made, the vendors that have received an award or an intent to award will be listed along with the Districts where they provide services.  If your company is listed here, you are NOT required to submit an additional RFQ response. A District may choose to execute a participating addendum with your company at their discretion.

1st Round Awards

2nd Round Awards

As a separate branch of state government, the Judicial Branch is not bound by the Colorado Procurement Code (Section 24-101-101 et. seq., C.R.S.), and/or the associated State Procurement Rules.  Rather, the Branch operates under its own Purchasing Fiscal Rules, which can be found using the link below.  The purposes of these Rules are to:

  • Establish a set of policies, procedures, and guidelines the Judicial Branch will use to conduct its purchases.
  • Ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons who deal with the Branch’s purchasing system.
  • Maximize the use of the Branch's resources through fostering effective broad-based competition.

The Rules apply to expenditures of public funds by Colorado appellate, district, county, probate, and water courts; probation offices; and the State Court Administrator’s Office; and to those wishing to do business with the Branch.  Public funds include purchases funded in whole or in part with federal, state, local, and/or private grant moneys, except to the extent that the grantor’s requirements specify the purchasing rules and procedures to be followed.  The Judicial Branch’s Purchasing Fiscal Rules do not apply to the expenditure of public funds for construction services as defined by the Department of Personnel and Administration, State Buildings Division, or to the various independent offices established within the Branch that are not listed above.

The Judicial Branch utilizes Rocky Mountain Bidnet Electronic Bidding System to notify interested vendors of the Branch's intent to purchase goods or services competitively.  Vendors must be registered in order to respond to these bidding opportunities.  For additional information and to register visit Rocky Mountain Bidnet