9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

Financial Services


Financial Services

Underfunded Courthouse Facility Grant Program


County governments are responsible for providing adequate courtrooms and other court facilities to ensure access to justice for all Colorado citizens. In recent years, many factors have negatively impacted county abilities to meet this responsibility including the allocation of additional judges to meet expanding caseloads, aging facilities, and unexpected events such as natural disasters and other health and safety concerns. The financial limitations of some counties have resulted in necessary maintenance and improvements being delayed or hindered for years, thus exacerbating existing health, safety, and operational problems.

To address these issues, the General Assembly passed HB14-1096 (codified in Section 13-1-301 to 306, C.R.S.), establishing the seven-member Underfunded Courthouse Facility Cash Fund Commission (Commission), Underfunded Courthouse Facility Cash Fund (Fund), and an associated grant program. Monies flow into the Fund from annual legislative appropriations.

Grant Program

The State Court Administrator is responsible for awarding grants from the cash fund based upon the Commission's recommendations and subject to annual appropriations by the General Assembly.  Grants can be used only for projects in facilities containing a state court or probation office. Grants can be used for master planning services, matching funds for construction or remodeling projects (or to leverage additional grant funding opportunities), and emergency needs due to the imminent closure of a courthouse. Grant monies cannot be used as the sole source of funding for new construction unless the need is associated with an imminent closure situation. In addition, grant funds cannot be used to pay for furniture, fixtures, or equipment. 

Counties must meet at least two of the following four criteria to be eligible to apply for and receive grants:

  • Total population is below the state median.
  • Per capita income is below the state median.
  • Property tax revenues are below the state median.
  • Population below the federal poverty line is above the state median.

Counties meeting all four criteria are considered to be the highest priority for funding.

The Commission can also award imminent closure grants to address emergency needs. Imminent closure is defined as a facility with health, life, or safety issues that impact court employees or other users as determined by the State Court Administrator in consultation with the State's risk management system or other professionals. Imminent closure concerns include problems with air quality, water intrusion, temperature control, structural conditions that cannot be reasonably mitigated, fire and electrical hazards, and utility issues. Certain health, life, or safety issues may require additional third-party evaluations such as environmental or structural engineering reviews.

Imminent closure grant applications can be submitted throughout the calendar year via the Department's online grant management system, AmpliFund, using the link in the "Special Announcements" section below.

Direct any questions about Underfunded Courthouse Facility Cash Fund Commission grants to:

Grants Specialist

Office of the State Court Administrator

1300 Broadway, Suite 1200, Denver, Colorado 80203

UFF@judicial.state.co.us | 720-625-5841