9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

Find an ODR Mediator - 4th Judicial District

4th Judicial Mediation Office - El Paso and Teller Counties

To schedule mediation for a court case in the 4th Judicial District, please complete the Request for Mediation form below and email it to 04JDMediation@judicial.state.co.us

4th Judicial Mediation Office Scheduling Instructions

Request for Mediation 

Additional Parties Form 

Eviction Diversion Program (Temporarily Suspended

Blanket Order Requiring Mediation in Family Cases (FCF 300A)

Definitions of Services Provided

Frequently Asked Questions

Request to Reduce Payment for ODR Services

Mediation is now mandatory in some eviction matters prior to filing a court case. (House Bill 23-1120). Click Here for more information.   

Formularios en Español

Orden General de Resolución Alternativa de Disputas y Mediación en Causas Domésticas (FCF 300A)

Solicitud de mediación del 4 Distrito Judicial

Instrucciones para solicitar reducción de las tarifas de mediación

The 4th Judicial District Mediation Office is a court-associated alternative dispute resolution program providing experienced, quality services to parties engaged in litigation. The office is affiliated with the state Office of Dispute Resolution in Denver but is also independently responsible for designing programs and contracting with mediators that fit the specific needs and have the confidence of the local courts. The office was created to serve the judiciary and the citizens of El Paso and Teller County but is also a resource to other agencies and courts in the district. The office receives its authority from the Colorado legislature through The Dispute Resolution Act, 13-22­301,et seq, Colorado Revised Statutes.

The Office of Dispute Resolution ("The Mediation Office" or "ODR") is a full service provider offering mediation, mediation-arbritration, arbitration, and settlement conferences by seasoned mediators and arbiters. The mediators and arbiters have many years of experience and training and handle complex county and district civil, divorce, dependency and neglect (juvenile), child custody cases, criminal and probate cases.

If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to 04JDMediation@judicial.state.co.us