9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

1/20/25 - All courts and probation offices closed for MLK Jr. Day

Jury Information

  • Rachael Maestas

    Jury Commissioner
    4th Judicial District
    El Paso County
    Primary Email
    Primary Phone

County Announcements

Refer to the El Paso County Juror Reporting Schedule.

Jury Reporting Schedule

El Paso County Judicial Building

Time: 8:00 am
Jurors Needed to Report:

Juror # 3501 - 3925 and any juror rescheduled to January 21 but did not receive a new jury summons--

Complete and sign the questionnaire portion of your summons and report to the Jury Assembly Room no later than 8 am. Security will open the judicial building at 7:30 am.  If you report late, you may be rescheduled to a different date.  

If you have parked in one of the county garages, please have your parking stub with you and present it to the jury staff if you would like a validation.  Parking can only be validated if you have your parking stub.  If you are late and rescheduled, your parking cannot be validated.

Juror # 3926 - 4200  call 719-452-5002 or visit this page at 11:30 am for further reporting instructions.  You may be required to report by 12:30 pm


Jurors Excused:

not yet available