9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

Estate Cases

Abandoned Estate Documents

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

This page contains information for submitting Abandoned Estate Planning Documents to the State Court Administrator's Office. This page also includes information on how to search the index of creator names, as well as submit a request for records and/or deletion. 


Prior to submitting abandoned estate planning documents, please first conduct a search for the creator to ensure a folder doesn't already exist in the system. If one does not exist, please use the abandoned estate document link to submit the records. Note: If you are submitting a request for certified estate planning documents, you will first conduct a name search. Once you find the creator, you will be able to submit a request directly from there. 


For information regarding the standards for submissions and acceptance of abandoned estate planning documents and requests for access to records, please see Chief Justice Directive CJD 23-01.

Please find the JDF forms you'll need below:


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