9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

Criminal case
Criminal Cases

Apply for a Public Defender

These standard instructions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice about your case. If you choose to represent yourself, you are bound by the same rules and procedures as an attorney.

Apply for a Public Defender Forms

Colorado Judicial Branch has compiled all forms required to Apply for a Public Defender.

How to Apply for a Public Defender


1. Forms

Complete the form that applies to you:

  • For adults: JDF 208 - Request for a State Paid Professional.
  • For juveniles: JDF 219 - Juvenile Delinquency Application for Public Defender.


2. Submit


What Happens Next?

  1. The Public Defender will review your paperwork and inform the court whether you qualify.
  2. The court will then review the request and make a final decision.