9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

What are acceptable forms of payment?

You will want to check with your local courthouse to make sure, but most courthouses will take Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card or Money Order as acceptable forms of payment. Proof of ID will be required.

Is there an option for a payment plan for filing fees?

Yes, complete JDF 205 Motion to File without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit and JDF 206 Finding and Order Concerning Payment of Fees and file them with the court at the same time you file your case. The court may request copies of your last three months bank statements and pay stubs. The court may; waive the filing fees, set up a payment plan, or require you pay the filing fees in full. 


Are the fees refundable?

Filing fees are not refundable except by order of the court.

Will there be any additional fees after the original filing fee?

Depending on your case, there may be. If you have to have a party served after your filing, you may to pay the server a fee for service to the other party. 

If your case has already been filed and finalized, and you are not coming back to the court to request a motion for modification of a court order, there may be a fee for that.

How much does it cost to serve the other party?

The fee for service is determined by your process server so it can vary, there is no set fee.

Who or what determines how the fees are determined?

The filing fees are determined by statute. 13-32-104(1)(a) C.R.S