9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather

People of the State of Colorado v. Letecia Stauch

03/12/2020Complaint and Information 
03/12/2020D1 Notice of Representation and Demand for Notice of any Nontestimonial Identification procedure sought pursuant to Crim P 41 1 
03/12/2020D2 Notice of Invocation of all Statutory Case Law and Constitutional Privileges 
03/12/2020D3 Motion to Limit Pretrial Publicity 
03/12/2020D4 Motion for Preservation of Physical Evidence 
03/12/2020D5 Motion for Preservation and Production of Law Enforcement Notes Recordings and other Evidence  
03/12/2020D6 Motion for Immediate Production pursuant to Protective Order of any and all Warrants and Arrest Affidavits 
03/12/2020D7 Defense Objection to Motion to Unseal forthwith the Affidavit of Probable Cause in Support of Arrest 
03/12/2020D7 Exhibit 1 to Objection to Expanded Media Coverage 
03/12/2020D7 Exhibit 2 to Objection to Expanded Media Coverage 
03/12/2020D7 Exhibit 3 to Objection to Expanded Media Coverage 
03/12/2020D7 Objection to Expanded Media Coverage
03/12/2020Entry of Appearance 
03/12/2020Exhibit 1 to Motion to Unseal 
03/12/2020Exhibit 2 to Motion to Unseal 
03/12/2020Exhibit 3 to Motion to Unseal 
03/12/2020Exhibit 4 to Motion to Unseal 
03/12/2020Motion to Unseal Forthwith the Affidavit of Probably Cause in Support of Arrest 
03/12/2020O1 Order Re Pretrial Publicity  
03/12/2020O2 Procedure for Filing Motions and Responses 
03/12/2020O3 Decorum Order 
03/12/2020O4 Order Granting request for Expanded Media Coverage for One Pool Camera for Filing of Charges to occur on March 11 2020 at 4 00 pm 
03/12/2020Order re Expanded Media Coverage 
03/12/2020Order to Seal Arrest Warrant 
03/12/2020Register of Actions from February 28 2020 to March 12 2020 
03/12/2020Request for Sealing of Arrest Warrant 
04/03/2020O5 Order to File a Reply 
04/03/2020P3 People's Motion to Amend Complaint and Information 
04/03/2020Amended Complaint and Information 
04/03/2020P3 Order Motion to Amend Complaint and Information 
04/03/2020O7 Order to Reschedule Status Conference 
04/03/2020O6 Order Granting Motion to Unseal the Affidavit of Probable Cause in Support of Arrest 
04/03/2020Affidavit of Probable Cause in Support of Arrest  
04/03/2020Register of Actions from March 13, 2020 to April 3, 2020 
04/14/2020D9 Motion to Reconsider O7 
04/14/2020P4 People's Request for Unsealing of the Interception of Wire and Electronic Communications 
04/14/2020D9 People's Response to Defendant's Motion to Reconsider Court Order O7 
04/14/2020P4 Order Granting People's Request for Unsealing of the Interception of Wire and Electronic Communication 
04/14/2020D9 Order Regarding Motion to Reconsider 
04/14/2020Register of Actions from April 6,2020 to April 14, 2020 
04/17/2020D8 Order Denying Request for Hearing for Sanctions 
04/17/2020Register of Actions from April 15, 2020 to April 17, 2020 
05/18/2020D10 Motion to Continue Preliminary Hearing 
05/18/2020D11 Motion for Video Access to Client 
05/18/2020Register of Actions from April 18, 2020 to May 18, 2020 
05/27/2020D10 Order Continuing Preliminary Hearing 
05/27/2020D12 Defense Supplement to D10 and D11 
05/27/2020Register of Actions from May 19, 2020 to May 27, 2020 
05/27/2020O-8 Procedural Order Re June 5, 2020, Status Conference 
06/04/2020O-9 Decorum Order Re: June 5, 2020 Status Conference  
06/08/2020D13 Response to the Court's Order (D-10) regarding Defense Investigation 
06/12/2020Subpoena Duces Tecum 
06/12/2020Subpoena Duces Tecum 
06/12/2020P5 People's Motion for In Camera Review of Department of Human Resources Documents 
06/12/2020P6 People's Motion to Quash Defense Subpoenas Duces Tecum directed to Colorado Springs Police Department and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation 
06/12/2020D14 Response to the People's (P-06) Motion to Quash Defense SDT to CSPD and CBI for litigation packets 
06/12/2020D16 Notice of Motion Raising the Issue of Competency Pursuant to C.R.S. 16-18.5-101 et seq. 
06/12/2020Motion to Withdraw and for Substitution of Counsel  
06/12/2020Entry of Appearance 
06/12/2020Order for Evaluation of In-Custody Defendant  
06/12/2020D15 Order for Competency Evaluation 
06/12/2020Order:  Proposed Order re Motion to Withdraw 
06/12/2020Order:  [P-06] Proposed Order People's Motion to Quash Defense SDT to CSPD and CBI for Litigation Packet 
06/12/2020Order:  [P-05] Proposed Order on People's Motion for In Camera Review of DHS Documents 
06/12/2020Entry of Appearance 
06/23/2020P8 People's Motion to Require Defense to Disclose Mental Health Documents to the Prosecution 
06/23/2020P-9 Motion to Find Waiver of Confidentiality or Privilege for the Defendant's Medical and Social History Records Pursuant to CRS 16-8.5-104(1) and 16-8.5-105(3) 
06/23/2020Register of Actions May 13, 2020 to June 23, 2020 
07/20/2020P15 People's Subpoena for Production of Tangile Evidence - Fort Carson 
07/20/2020P14 People's Subpoena for Production of Tangible Evidence - Academy School District 20 
07/20/2020P16 People's Subpoena for Production of Tangible Evidence - Horry County School District 
07/20/2020P13 People's Subpoena for Production of Tangible Evidence - Widefield School District 3 
07/20/2020P12 People's Subpoena for Production of Tangible Evidence - El Paso County Criminal Justice Center  
07/20/2020P17 People's Subpoena for Production of Tangible Evidence - Fort Carson 
07/20/2020P11 People's Motion for Consumptive Testing Pursuant to C.R.S. 16-3-309(1) 
07/20/2020P10 People's Notice of Receipt of Potentially Protected Information through Criminal Justice Center Records 
07/20/2020P10 People's Exhibit A to People's Notice of Receipt of Potentially Protected Information through Criminal Justice Records 
07/20/2020P10 People's Exhibit B to People's Notice of Receipt of Potentially Protected Information through Criminal Justice Records 
07/20/2020[P8 Response] Defense Obj to P8 as Overbroad Because Granting Their Request Would Violate Ms. Stauch's Constitutional Rights Attorney-Client Privilege, HIPPA, 20 USC 1232, CRS 22-1-123, CRS 13-90-107
07/20/2020[P9 Response] Defense Objection to P9 as Overbroad Because It Violates Letecia Stauch's Rights Against Mandatory Disclosure of Her Protected Medical and Social History Information by Unconstitutionally Expanding the Competency Statute Beyond the Scope for Which It was Intended 
07/20/2020[P17 Defense Response] Defense Motion to Quash the People's Subpoena for Production of Treatment Records from Fort Carson  
07/20/2020[P16 Defense Response] Defense Motion to Quash the People's Subpoena for Production of Any and All Records Pertaining to Ms. Stauch from Horry County School District 
07/20/2020[P15 Defense Response] Defense Motion to Quash the People's Subpoena for Production of Treatment Records from Fort Carson Police
07/20/2020[P14 Defense Response] Defense Motion to Quash the People's Subpoena for Production of Any and All Records Pertaining to Ms. Stauch from Academy School District 20 
07/20/2020[P13 Defense Response] Defense Motion to Quash the People's Subpoena for Production of Any and All Records Pertaining to Ms. Stauch from Widefield School District 3 
07/20/2020[P12 Defense Response] Defense Motion to Quash the People's Subpoena for Production of Medical and Mental Health Records from the El Paso County Jail 
07/20/2020Register of Actions June 24, 2020 to July 20, 2020 
07/24/2020D17  Motion to Waive Letecia Stauch's Appearance for SDT Return Date on July 17, 2020, and Request to Cancel Transportation Order 
07/24/2020[P-11 Response]  Defense Objection to Consumptive Testing of DNA wtihout the Presence of a Defense Observer for Testing 
07/24/2020[P-12] Order Regarding People's Subpoena For Production Of Tangible Evidence - El Paso County Criminal Justice Center 
07/24/2020P18 Subpoena for Production of Tangible Evidence 
07/24/2020Order (Copy of Order re P12 - attachment to P18 Subpoena for Production of Tangible Evidence) 
07/24/2020Register of Actions July 21, 2020 to July 24, 2020 
07/31/2020P19 People's Notice of Prior Records Requests During Competency Proceedings 
07/31/2020Register of Actions July 25, 2020 to July 31, 2020 
08/14/2020[P13 P14 P15 P16 P17] Order Quashing Subpoenas 
08/14/2020Register of Actions August 1, 2020 to August 14, 2020 
08/28/2020Letter dated 8-12-20 
08/28/2020Register of Actions August 15, 2020 to August 28, 2020 
09/04/2020Register of Actions August 29, 2020 to September 4, 2020 
09/11/2020O1 El Paso County Sheriff's Office Third-Party Motion Requesting Clarification of Court's Limiting Pre-trial Publicity 
09/11/2020O1 El Paso County Sheriff's Office Amended Third-Party Motion Requesting Clarification of Court's Limiting Pre-trial Publicity 
09/17/2020D18 Motion to Appoint Dr. Jackie Grimmett to Perform the Second Competency Evaluation and to Approve payment for the Evaluation 
09/17/2020Register of Actions September 5, 2020 to September 11, 2020 
09/19/2020Order: Proposed Order D-18 Motion to Appoint Dr. Jackie Grimmett to Perform the Second Competency Evaluaion and to Approve Payment for the Evaluation 
09/19/2020D19 Brief Regarding the Use of Video and Audio Recording During a Competency Evaluation 
09/19/2020Exhibit A to Pleading D19 
09/19/2020Exhibit B to Pleading D19 
09/19/2020Register of Actions September 12, 2020 to September 19, 2020 
09/25/2020D19 Motion to Authorize 30 Hours for the Second Competency Evaluation 
09/25/2020Register of Actions September 20, 2020 to September 25, 2020 
10/06/2020D-20 Motion Requesting that Dr. Grimmett be Permitted to Review the Video-recording of the First Competency Evaluation 
10/06/2020Certificate of Compliance of Collateral Materials to Dr. Jackie Grimmett 
10/06/2020Order - [D-20] Motion Requesting that Dr. Grimmett be Permitted to Review the Video-recording of the First Competency Evaluation 
10/06/2020Order - Proposed Order [D-19] Motion to Authorize 30 Hours for the Second Competency Evaluation 
10/06/2020Register of Actions September 26, 2020 to October 2, 2020 
10/08/2020Notice of Order Re Pretrial Publicity [O-1] in El Paso County Case Number 20CR1358 
10/08/2020Exhibit 1 - Subpoena to Attend and Testify 
10/08/2020Exhibit 2 - Order Re: Pretrial Publicity [O-1] 
10/08/2020[O-10] Order Clarifying O-1 Pretrial Publicity Order Issued March 5, 2020
10/20/2020[P-20] People's Response to Defense Brief Regarding the Use of Video and Audio Recording During a Competency Evaluation D-19 
10/23/2020Register of Actions October 3, 2020 to October 23, 2020 
10/30/2020D21 Response to People's Motion Regarding the Use of Video and Audio Recording During a Competency Evaluation 
10/30/2020D22 Motion to Extend Deadline to Complete Second Competency Evaluation, and to Continue the Review Hearing on November 12, 2020 Due to COVID-19 Outbreak at the El Paso County Jail 
10/30/2020Register of Actions October 24, 2020 to October 30, 2020 
11/06/2020[D-21] Order Denying Use of Video or Audio Recording During Competency Evaluation 
11/06/2020Order - Proposed Order D-22 Motion to Extend Deadline for Second Competency Evaluation, and to Continue the Review Hearing on November 12, 2020 due to COVID-19 Outbreak at the El Paso County Jail 
11/06/2020Register of Actions October 31, 2020 to November 6, 2020 
12/04/2020D23 Additional Motion to Extend Deadline for Second Competency Evaluation, and to Continue the Review Hearing Due to COVID-19 Outbreak at the El Paso County Jail  
12/04/2020Register of Actions November 7, 2020 to December 4, 2020 
12/18/2020Register of Actions December 5, 2020 to December 18, 2020 
12/24/2020D24 Motion to Authorize Five (5) Additional Hours for the Second Competency Evaluation 
12/24/2020Register of Actions December 19, 2020 to December 24, 2020 
1/08/2021Order - Proposed Order D23 Additional Motion to Extend Deadline for Second Competency Evaluation, and to Continue the Review Hearing due to COVID-19 Outbreak at the El Paso County Jail 
1/08/2021Order - Proposed Order Motion to Authorize Five Additional Hours for the Second Competency Evaluation 
1/08/2021Register of Actions December 25, 2020 to January 6, 2021 
1/15/2021Register of Actions January 7, 2021 to January 15, 2021 
1/22/2021O11 Order Finding Defendant Letecia Stauch Competent and Setting Matter for Proof Evident Presumption Great and Preliminary Hearing 
1/22/2021O12 Order Regarding Expanded Media Coverage 
1/22/2021Register of Actions January 16, 2021 to January 22, 2021 
01/29/2021Register of Actions January 23, 2021 to January 29, 2021 
02/18/2021Register of Actions January 30, 2021 to February 18, 2021 
02/19/2021Register of Actions February 19, 2021 
03/12/2021[D27] Motion to Withdraw 
03/12/2021[P22] Peoples Motion for Terms Regarding Evidence Viewing 
03/12/2021[P23] Peoples Notice Regarding Discovery 
03/12/2021[P21] Peoples Motion for Protective Order 
03/12/2021Order re:  Appoint of Counsel at State Expense other than the Public Defender in a Criminal Proceeding 
03/12/2021Order - Proposed Order Motion to Withdraw 
03/12/2021Order: [P-21] Proposed Order 
03/12/2021Order: [P-22] Proposed Order Peoples Request for Setting Terms Regarding Evidence Viewing 
03/12/2021Motion to Reconsider the Court's Order to Allow Defendant to Keep Paper Copies of Discovery in Her Cell 
03/15/2021Register of Actions February 20, 2021 to March 12, 2021 


[O-13] Order re Request For Unsealing of Letters from Defendant 
03/19/2021Amended Motion for Investigator 
03/19/2021Order: Proposed Order Re: Investigator 
03/19/2021Register of Actions March 16, 2021 to March 19, 2021 
03/31/2021Letter to Judge Werner 
04/23/2021Notice to the Court of Law Library Refusal 
04/23/2021Exhibit 3 to Notice to the Court of Law Library Refusal 
04/23/2021Register of Actions March 20, 2021 to April 23, 2021 
05/03/2021Motion Regarding Counsel 
05/03/2021[P24] People's Notice of Endorsement of Witnesses for Preliminary Hearing/Proof Evident/Presumption Great Hearing 
05/03/2021[O14] Order Re - Appointing Office of the Public Defender on Behalf of the Defendant 
05/03/2021Register of Actions April 24, 2021 to April 30, 2021 
05/07/2021O15 Order Appointing Alternate Defense Counsel 
05/07/2021Register of Actions May 1, 2021 to May 7, 2021 
05/14/2021Register of Actions May 8, 2021 to May 14, 2021 
09/08/2021Entry of Appearance 
09/08/2021Request to Waive Appearance of Defendant at Preliminary Hearing 
09/08/2021People's Response to Request to Waive Appearance of Defendant at Preliminary Hearing 
09/10/2021Register of Actions May 15, 2021 to September 10, 2021 
09/17/2021[O16] Order Re Procedure for September 23, 2021 Ruling 
09/17/2021Register of Actions September 11, 2021 to September 23, 2021 
09/24/2021Register of Actions September 24, 2021 
11/05/2021Register of Actions September 25, 2021 to November 5, 2021 
11/19/2021Motion to Seal and Hold Confidential Jail Records of Visits or Meetings between Letecia Stauch and Defense Team and Their Agents 
11/19/2021[P-27] People's Brief Addressing Issues Raised by Defendant's Notice of Intent to Present Evidence of Her Mental Condition 
11/19/2021Register of Actions November 6, 2021 to November 19, 2021 
11/30/2021[D – Unnumbered Defense Motion, filed on November 11, 2021]  People's Response to Defendant's Motion to Seal and Hold Confidential Jail Records of Visits or Meetings between Letecia Stauch and Her Defense Team and Their Agents 
11/30/2021Register of Actions November 20, 2021 to November 30, 2021 
12/03/2021[O-17] Order Re Confidentiality of Jail Records 
12/03/2021Response Regarding Mental Condition Evaluation (D-34) 
12/09/2021[O-18] Order 
12/09/2021[O-19] Order For Evaluation Of In-Custody Defendant Regarding Mental Condition 
12/15/2021[P-28] People's Notice of Compliance of Providing Collateral Materials to the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo (CMHIP) 

Register of Actions December 1, 2021 - December 17, 2021 

12/27/2021Motion to Suppress Apple I Phone 8 (D-35) 
12/27/2021Exhibit – Attach to Pleading Search Warrant I Phone 8 
12/27/2021Motion to Suppress ADT Security System (D-36) 
12/27/2021Exhibit – Attach to Pleading Search Warrant ADT Security System 
12/28/2021Motion for Change of Venue (D-37)
12/28/2021Motion for Notice of 404(b) (D-39)
12/28/2021Motion for Expert Discovery D-40
01/04/2022[O-20] Order To File Warrants and Affidavits
01/05/2022[O-20] Amended Order To File Warrants and Affidavits
01/05/2022Request to Waive Defendant's Appearance at Review Hearing on 1/13/2022
1/7/2022Register of Actions 12/17/2021 through 1/7/2022 
01/07/2022People's Response to Defendant's Motion for Change of Venue
01/12/2022[O-21] Order Vacating January 13, 2022, Motions Hearing
1/27/2022Register of Actions 1/8/2022 through 1/27/2022
1/27/2022D-35 Order Denying Motn to Suppress Contents of Cell Phone
1/27/2022D-36 Order Denying Motn to Suppress ADT System Search
1/27/2022D-38 Order Denying Motn to Suppress Wiretap
4/17/2022P-30 People's Notice of Endorsement of Wtinesses 
4/17/2022Request to Waive Appearance of Defendant at 4-21-2022 hearing
4/20/2022Order - Request to Waive Appearance of Defendant at 4-21-2022 hearing
6/1/2022Motion to Waive Court Appearance
6/7/2022Order: Motion to Waive Court Appearance 
7/12/2022Order Regarding CMHIP Records
7/20/2022Motion to Waive Appearance
7/25/2022Order: Motion to Waive Appearance
7/27/2022[D-45] Amended Order Granting Motion To Waive Appearance
8/4/2022[O-23] Notice Of Receipt Of Sanity Report and Order To Set Hearing
8/11/2022P-31 Notice of Endorsement of Witnesses 
09/20/2022Motion for Second Evaluation to Take Place at CMHIP
09/29/2022[P-32] Peoples Supplemental Notice of Endorsement Of Witnesses and Amendment of Good Faith List
10/11/2022EPSO’s Position Re Deft’s Motion for Second Evaluation
10/11/2022Exhibit A - Attachment to EPSO’s Position Re Deft’s Motion for Second Evaluation
10/12/2022Wellpath’s Position Re Deft’s Motion for Second Evaluation
10/13/2022[O-24] Order - Notice of Trial and Motions
01/12/2023People's Motion for Discovery Concerning Defense Experts (P-34)
01/12/2023People's Attachment A to People's Motion for Discovery (P-34)
1/23/202320CR1358 [O-25] Matters To Discuss At February 2, 2023 Hearing
2/2/2023[P-36] Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C.R.S. 902(11) - AT&T
2/2/2023[P-36] Peoples Attachment A to Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C.R.S. 902(11) - AT&T
2/2/2023[P-37] Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C.R.S. 902(11) - Life360
2/2/2023[P-37] Peoples Attachment A to Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C.R.S. 902(11) - Life360 
2/2/2023[P-38] Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C_R_S_ 902(11) - Verizon
2/2/2023[P-38] Peoples Attachment A to Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C.R.S. 902(11) - Verizon
2/2/2023[P-39] Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C.R.S. 902(11) - ADT
2/2/2023[P-39] Peoples Attachment A to Notice of Peoples Intent to Introduce Self-Authenticating Records at Trial Pursuant To C.R.S. 902(11) - ADT
2/9/2023O-26 Order Re Filing Suppressed Pleadings
2/13/2023Notice of Endorsement of Witnesses (D-48)
2/17/2023P-43 People’s Motion for Discovery Concerning Defense’s Prelim Psychiatric Impressions of Letecia Stauch
2/17/2023P-43 People’s Attachment A to (the above Motion)
2/17/2023Motion for Extended Voir Dire (D-49)
2/21/2023P-43 Order Granting People’s Motion for Discovery Concerning Defense’s Prelim Psychiatric Impressions of Letecia Stauch
2/27/23[O-27] Order to Submit Witness List by March 6, 2023
3/1/2023[O-28] - Order Authorizing Expanded Media Coverage
3/1/2023O-29 Order Directing Use of All Force Reasonably Necessary to Secure the Attendance of Defendant at Trial
3/6/2023P-44 People’s Uncontested Notice to the Court and Defense of People’s Intention to Release Evidence Item 278
3/6/2023Peoples List of Potential Witnesses for Jury Trial 
3/8/2023Defense Witness List 
3/13/23[P-45] People’s Notice of Endorsement and Amended Good Faith List of Witnesses
3/26/23Motion to Automatically Exclude Jurors Who Have a Preconceived View of Guilt (D-51)
3/28/23[O-31] Order to Release Information and Testing Data
3/28/23[P-46] People’s Supplemental Amended Good Faith List of Witnesses
5/8/23Jury Instructions
5/9/23Jury Verdict Forms - Foreperson's Name and Initials Redacted
5/9/23Judgment of Conviction and Sentence