9/13/24 Update re: Notice of Closure of Conejos County Courthouse

3/14/25 - Delayed start for Archuleta County Courthouse and Probation Office

3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather


Flexible Caption

New form of caption 

  • New caption approved
    • The Supreme Court approved a new form of caption on November 18, 1999. Rule 10 has been approved and the new caption was made mandatory on January 1, 2001 for all pleadings submitted to Colorado State Courts.
    • The forms on this web site include the new caption. However, the caption is limited to the space provided within the "party box" and "attorney box".
    • A flexible caption has been created for those documents where it is necessary to have flexibility in the caption to include all required information (i.e.: a civil filing with fifty Plaintiffs versus fifty Defendants), or for those parties needing to prepare their own documents when forms are not available.

Instructions: (Please follow these instructions in order)

Transferring the flexible caption to your document

  • Print these instructions
  • These instructions are primarily for Word documents as that is the word processor used by the Colorado Judicial Department. However, the steps should be similar in WordPerfect, but the file menu names may be slightly different.
  • To Open Flexible Caption, select the appropriate format below:
  • Under the File menu, select "save as" and name Flexible Caption. (This saves your flexible caption as a template document *dot in Word)).
    Hint: Remember what folder the "Flexible Caption" is located, as you will need it later.
  • Close or minimize Internet page.
  • Open a new document and name it (optional… you can name it later as well).
  • Set margins in new document as follows: (under File Menu, Page Setup) Hint: Margins should be set before inserting the caption in order for it to transfer correctly.
    • Top 1.5"   Bottom 1"   Left 1"   Right 1"
  • To insert the caption to your document. Select Insert Menu, then File, and locate the file name of "Flexible caption." (Select "All File/S" under the "File/S of Type" as this is a template document (Flexible caption.dot) and only Word documents ( *.doc ) will be displayed.)
  • Select your Forms Toolbar (View Menu, Toolbars, Forms) and click the Protect Button On (This button looks similar to a padlock)
    • Create your own Document with the Flexible New Form of Caption.
  • Template Format

    • Simply type data into shaded fields.
    • Use tab key to quickly move to next available field (Hint: if this is not working properly, make sure the protect button is "On").
    • Designate the jurisdiction of the Court by clicking on a box (or use the space bar)

    (i.e.: County Court)

    • Ability to change "standard verbiage" in the "party box".
      • In the Matter of the Estate of: John Doe, Deceased
      • Plaintiff(s): John Doe and Defendant(s): Jane Doe
      • People of the State of Colorado vs. Defendant: Jane Doe
  • Party Box
    • Ability to type an unlimited number of parties.
    • The "party box" expands as the number of parties extends.
  • Attorney Box

    • Ability to type unlimited information with regards to Attorneys or Parties.

    Without Attorneys

    • The "attorney/pro se party box" expands as the typed information extends.
  • Name of form box
    • Type the name of the form/document, i.e. Entry of Appearance.